Research Article | Published: 25 March 2018

Medicinal Plants of Morni Hills, Shivalik Range, Panchkula, Haryana

Acharya  Balkrishna, Anupam  Srivastava, B. K. Shukla, Rajesh Kumar Mishra and Bhasker Joshi

Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products | Volume: 25 | Issue: 1 | Page No. 1-14 | 2018
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During plant exploration and survey of Morni Hills, Panchkula, Haryana (2017-2018) the authors collected about 2200 field numbers from different localities. Out of them, 323 species belonging to 251 genera and 92 families are medicinal plants. The information about medicinal properties of these plants has been gathered during field trips of Morni Hills from local vaidyas and local people of remote localities. The enumeration is alphabetically arranged, followed by their family names, local/common names, plant parts used for curing diseases and medicinal uses. These plant species are utilized by local people against various diseases in Morni Hills area.


Medicinal uses, Medicinal plant, Shivalik forest, Morni Hills, Panchkula, Haryana

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How to cite

Balkrishna, A., Srivastava, A., Shukla, B.K., Mishra, R.K. and Joshi, B., 2018. Medicinal Plants of Morni Hills, Shivalik Range, Panchkula, Haryana. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 25(1), pp.1-14.

Publication History

Manuscript Published on 25 March 2018

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